Returning from Injury

After sustaining an injury during sports, the first thing on many players’ agenda isn’t just recovering from that injury, but how to do so as fast as possible. While injuries sustained during sports can vary greatly in their location, severity, and how they occurred, there are five things that anyone can do to help optimise their recovery so they can get back on the sports field as fast as possible regardless of their circumstances.

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Knee Pain - Exercise Physiologist

Whether you’re trying to stay physically active or just making your way around your workplace, for the 25% of adults that develop knee pain, movement and daily life can quickly become difficult and uncomfortable. So when it comes to getting help for your knee pain, a physiotherapist and an exercise physiologist can both help.

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Osteoarthritis vs Osteoporosis: What's The Difference?

Osteoarthritis and osteoporosis: They sound similar, they both affect your bones, and when you’ve been diagnosed with either, it can be difficult to tell them apart – or understand the relationship between the two. As both conditions impact your ability to stay comfortable, mobile and safe as you age, knowing the key differences between osteoarthritis and osteoporosis can help you make the best choices for your health, having a significant impact on your quality of life.

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3.4 million Australians are currently living with chronic pain. Having this persistent pain can feel frustrating, disheartening, stressful and restrictive, with those experiencing it being five times more likely to be “limited a lot” in their daily activities, making it difficult for them to work and continue being involved in the activities they enjoy. 

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