Almost everyone has heard of sciatica. But when we talk about this condition, it can be a bit unclear what it actually is.

The term is often used quite loosely, for example to describe different types of leg pain that aren’t necessarily connected to the sciatic nerve.

There are also some common myths around sciatica, especially regarding diagnosis and treatment.

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Your body does a lot of amazing and powerful things when you’re running, like taking on staggering forces of approximately 250% of your body weight. There’s also a greater demand for balance with only one foot ever in contact with the ground at any time, with many muscles working hard to keep you moving through each stride with power, control and stability. And the hard work doesn’t stop with your feet or legs – the impact of running moves up the joints of the body (called the kinetic chain) to the pelvis, chest, spine, arms, shoulders and head, too. 

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Being in pain can cause significant disturbances to our sleep, leaving us restless, uncomfortable and frustrated throughout the night. It’s an awful Catch 22, given that having a good nights’ sleep is recommended to help relieve pain and promote healing and repair. With adequate sleep being an important part of the overall holistic bigger picture when it comes to recovering from pain and injury, here’s a look into the connection between sleep and pain, and what practical steps you can start implementing at home today to improve your sleep quality.

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In 2020, the World Health Organisation made notable updates to their exercise guidelines. These updates included increasing the recommendations for both the amount of exercise performed each week, as well as adding strength or resistance training such as push-ups or squats to the regimen. Unfortunately, under these guidelines, it was found that 85% of Australian adults and 80% of children were not meeting their exercise targets.

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When learning about the pelvic floor, it’s common to come across information detailing the importance of preparing the pelvic floor for childbirth in women, and helping with recovery postpartum. The reality, however, is that our pelvic floor plays an incredibly important role for both men and women throughout our lives, forming part of our deep core muscles, and with pelvic floor problems affecting everything from continence to sexual health to back pain.

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