Trini has an unwavering passion for exercise physiology and her commitment to helping individuals maintain their independence and improve their quality of life make her an invaluable asset to our clinic.  

Education and Expertise: 

Dr Trinidad Valenzuela is an Accredited Exercise Physiologist (AEP) with over 10 years of experience working with older adults living in the community as well as in residential aged care. 

Trini’s journey in the field of exercise physiology began with her studies in Exercise and Sports Science in Chile. Seeking to deepen her knowledge and skills, she moved to Australia in 2010, where she pursued a Masters in Exercise Physiology. Driven by her passion for working with older adults, Trini embarked on a Ph.D. that delved into the effects of exercise on this population. Trini’s Ph.D. work emphasized the importance of exercise in maintaining independence, improving mobility, and preventing falls and age-related decline. She then pursued a Postdoctoral Research Fellowship investigating the effect of exercise for preventing cognitive decline in older adults. Trinidad is actively involved in research that attempts to improve our understanding and the management of frailty and co-morbidities in older adults. 

Trini leads 17 group classes at Mittagong Physiotherapy & Pilates on a weekly basis. These  sessions consist of groups of 3 to 4 persons where an individualized program is created for each participant. 

One on one sessions are also available on request. 

Please call the clinic to book an appointment with Trini.

Specific areas of  interest: 

  • Frailty 
  • Sarcopenia 
  • Prevention of falls 
  • Parkinson’s disease 
  • Mobility impairment 
  • Cognitive impairment and Dementia 
  • Clinical Exercise re rehabilittion and general well being. 

The Role of an Exercise Physiologist: 

An Exercise Physiologist works closely with our team of physiotherapists to deliver and evaluate safe and effective exercise interventions for people with sub-acute or chronic medical conditions, injuries or disabilities.  

Accredited exercise physiologists (AEPs) are university qualified allied health professionals who specialise in the delivery of exercise.  Their exercise and lifestyle programs are for everyone from a healthy individual to those presenting with chronic diseases. Also patients recovering from an injury or training as elite athletes. 

What an Exercise Physiologist can help with: 

 cardiovascular, metabolic, neurological, musculoskeletal, cancers, respiratory / pulmonary, mental health, frailty, cognitive impairment and dementia and any other conditions for which there is evidence that exercise can improve the client’s clinical status. 

Our approach at Mittagong Physiotherapy & Pilates 

With extensive education and expertise EP’s make a significant impact on the health and well-being of our clients. 

Our EP’s approach to exercise physiology is rooted in extensive education and experience and will work closely with patients to develop exercise programs that target their specific needs and aspirations. 

Our EP’s currently run 20 group classes at Mittagong Physiotherapy & Pilates on a weekly basis. These  sessions consist of groups of 3 to 4 persons where an individualised program is created for each participant. 

One on one sessions are also available on request. 

To book an appointment, please call the Clinic on 4871 3064 and our friendly Front Desk Team will assist with an Assessment appointment.